It’s a new page for me

Around this time last year, I retired from full-time teaching at La Trobe University (though I’m still hanging around – they can’t get rid of me).

Since then, I’ve been writing (a lot), travelling (a lot), walking (quite a lot) and planning.

And here’s what I’ve been planning: a series of writers’ retreats and masterclasses. I’ve called it New Page (see what I did there?) and it will include one-day in-person masterclasses, weekend retreat intensives, and short online courses. You can read about it here.

I’m delighted to kick it off with a subject close to my heart, and my writing: How to build a heroine.

Modern fiction is filled with fabulous, feisty, funny girls and women making their way through the universe. How do writers imagine them and bring them to life on the page?

Of course, the concepts and skills you’ll learn can be applied to a wide range of characters in fiction.

21 September, all day, in person, North Melbourne (Australia). 

Bookings are essential because I’d like to keep the class size small.

All the details are here.

If that sounds like something that interests you, do please get in touch. Otherwise, stay tuned for updates on coming events and writing retreats.

What. Fun.

Graphic of New Page writing retreats and masterclasses logo

What do you think?